Tuesday, September 8, 2009


second entry =) [boring stuff]

so today was modified at fvhs but i still had to wake up at 6:00 because fvhs decided not to push zero period back to 7:00...anyways i was groggy all morning until 3rd period.

i seriously think im more capable to teach econ than my econ teacher, and ive only half understood the first chapter. she asked the class what animals we would see in the desert and our answers were dinosaurs, unicorns, and polar bears. that class is only bearable because nathan sits next to me and McKenzie sits behind me and help pass the time.

fourth period we had a safety test for lab procedures. i got a 100% =) then we had a worksheet on conversion tables and jon somehow thought question 3 wanted him to measure the ceiling. hahaha.

then katie picked me up from school and we drove on over to my favorite wholesale store, costco. i ordered two humongous slices of their combination pizza and got all wet in anticipation on the ride home. we again watched "how i met your mother" reruns while eating. sometime between the end of "right place at the right time" and "the three days rule" i knocked out on katies lap but woke up with my dogs. she had left for class and i needed to go the barbers

kennys barber is always fucking crowded. when it was my turn i asked kenny to "buzz my head but try and keep it as long as possible" i felt a part of me died when he took that vibration electric clipper to my sexy fauxhawk and rolled it over my head from from front to back. but i guess it was time for a change. too many asians try and rock fauxhawks and tails so i had him cut it all off. i think i know how jackie chan felt in "shanghai noon" and how nabutada felt in "the last samurai.

well, not quite. but it was a revelation since ive never buzzed my hair before. i guess i'll just have to hope people with like it and if not wait for it to grow back.

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